Cybersecurity awareness month: opportunities and risks of social media

Social media networks have been with us for almost half a century. Since the first experiments with early online communities in the Seventies, they have evolved and spread worldwide as global platforms. Along the way, they have changed names and shapes. Still, at their core, we are attracted to them because they fulfill the fundamental […]
Cybersecurity awareness month: what is social engineering and why we fall for it

Cyber threats come in many forms. One of the most insidious is social engineering. Despite advancements in technology and security measures, social engineering remains a prevalent tactic to exploit human psychology. Cybercriminals manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. In this month, dedicated to cybersecurity awareness, we want to deep-dive […]
Recognizing vishing: how to protect yourself from telephone-based scams

Have you ever received a phone call from a familiar company or institution that didn’t seem quite right? Maybe the conversation seemed odd, or the voice at the other end was a recording. In these cases, you should always trust your instincts. You might indeed have been the target of a phone scam or vishing. […]