What information can a picture give away?

Sharing a picture on social media can seem innocent enough. Many networks offer to restrict their users’ content to their immediate circles of people, like family or friends, and most people share pictures directly with people they know and trust. So what could go wrong? According to safehome.org statistics, 80% of all stalking victims are […]
How to set up safe settings on social media: Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. Launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and others at Harvard University, it is now owned by Meta Platforms, Inc.. Through various digital interactions, Facebook allows users to connect with friends, family, colleagues, and organizations. And while it’s considered “old school,” Facebook will enable users […]
VPN security explained

One of the most frequent recommendations regarding privacy and security online is to use a VPN. Indeed, VPNs are becoming increasingly user-friendly, cheap, and available to the general public, so much so that many browsers offer a free VPN connection to protect your browsing. Why is that? Here is an explanation of a VPN and […]
Spring cleaning your digital footprint: tips for cyber hygiene

Spring has finally arrived: it’s time for Spring cleaning! Decluttering your home and workspace is an essential step for your well-being and productivity. So why should it be any different for your electronic space? Here are a few tips on how to clean your virtual environment with three crucial pillars of digital defence: updating software, […]