Cybersecurity tips for the holidays: keeping your data and home safe

As the holiday season approaches, we are more exposed to cyber security threats. We connect more with family and friends, shop online, indulge in new systems like domotics and intelligence devices, or leave for a trip. It’s then essential to prioritize online safety to safeguard your personal information and protect your home. Following these cybersecurity […]

Cybersecurity awareness month: password security explained by a hacker

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. To do our part, we have decided to publish a series of posts that deep-dive into specific cybersecurity topics. With this first article, we’ll start with the Royalty of cybersecurity: password security. To do that, we’ll do it from a different perspective—the hackers.  The art of cracking passwords As ethical […]

Spring cleaning your digital footprint: tips for cyber hygiene

Spring has finally arrived: it’s time for Spring cleaning! Decluttering your home and workspace is an essential step for your well-being and productivity. So why should it be any different for your electronic space? Here are a few tips on how to clean your virtual environment with three crucial pillars of digital defence: updating software, […]