How CDR forensics help solving crimes

TV tower and plane Telecommunications tower against blue sky, in red and white

Do you ever go anywhere without your phone or smartwatch? We increasingly depend on mobile devices for daily tasks, and so do criminals. Digital data sources have become essential in solving crime. However, a specific subset of digital investigations is becoming increasingly relevant: CDR forensics. What is CDR forensics? CDR stands for Call Detail Records. These include […]

How to use Tactical Crime Analysis techniques in business scenarios

Tactical crime analysis stands unmatched among intelligence-gathering techniques. It acts as an intelligence multiplier, enabling law enforcement to work more efficiently, make data-driven decisions, and proactively reduce crime rates. It leverages hot spot analysis, link analysis, temporal pattern analysis, SOCMINT, OSINT, predictive analytics, and network analysis techniques. Though traditionally used in law enforcement, tactical crime […]

Workplace investigations: ten common mistakes

Workplace investigations are part of company life. Whenever you become aware of a potentially severe problem involving colleagues or a complaint is filed because of misconduct, you are faced with tough decisions: whom should you believe? What happened and why? And what should you do about it?  Many managers and HR professionals feel anxious when […]

Ten good reasons to conduct a background check on a partner or a stakeholder

For many companies, referrals are the core of the business. Whenever an existing partner introduces you to a vendor that can solve your business problem, there is an implicit trust that they’ll be okay for you, too. But that’s a risky assumption: how your trusted partners do business with them might not align as well […]