Cybersecurity tips for the holidays: keeping your data and home safe

As the holiday season approaches, we are more exposed to cyber security threats. We connect more with family and friends, shop online, indulge in new systems like domotics and intelligence devices, or leave for a trip. It’s then essential to prioritize online safety to safeguard your personal information and protect your home. Following these cybersecurity […]

Secure travels: keeping your data safe while on vacation

Summer is around the corner, and with it, vacations and getaways. Whether you’re travelling for business or leisure, it’s essential to prioritize the security of your devices and data to avoid unpleasant surprises. Here are some practical tips to help you protect your accounts and devices and maintain peace of mind while on the go. […]

Cybersecurity tips on how to secure your smart home

In recent years, the concept of smart homes, or domotics, has gained widespread popularity. These devices offer homeowners convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency through interconnected devices and automation technology. However, with the proliferation of smart home devices comes the need for robust security measures to protect against cyber threats and safeguard personal privacy. Here are […]