The evolution of cybersecurity through cyberattacks: the Melissa Virus

Concept of cyber threat, hacker, computer virus. Danger sign on computer keyboard.

Some time ago, we started a thread of posts dedicated to the cyber incidents in history that have shaped cybersecurity practices and their evolution. Today, we want to talk about the Melissa Virus, a mass email malware that caused disruptions in the late Nineties, infecting thousands of systems globally.  Melissa opened the door to more […]

The evolution of cybersecurity through cyberattacks: the Morris Worm

padlock on a computer circuit board

A few weeks ago, we talked about how the events of 9/11 2001 have affected the evolution of cybersecurity. However, this evolution started long before 9/11: the need to protect users and their assets has emerged since the early days of the Internet with the spread of malware. Not all of it caused changes. However, […]

Lessons learnt from 9/11: how modern cybersecurity came to be

On this day, we remember the shocking attacks on the United States and their thousands of victims. September 11 remains an unparalleled event that changed the course of history. It was also a major catalyst for subsequent reforms and technological advancements in the intelligence and security fields. In this article, we want to summarize all […]

VPN security explained

One of the most frequent recommendations regarding privacy and security online is to use a VPN. Indeed, VPNs are becoming increasingly user-friendly, cheap, and available to the general public, so much so that many browsers offer a free VPN connection to protect your browsing. Why is that?  Here is an explanation of a VPN and […]